The February BRTU Meeting of 2025 will be this Thursday, February 20 at the Hamilton Elks Club at 203 State St in Hamilton.
The new program will feature Montana Trout Unlimited Outreach Coordinator Bill Pfeiffer. Bill is well known to BRTU members for his wonderful kid's camps and help on Buggers Fishing Day.
Bill's presentation will review the current legislature and highlight the issue of exempt wells. The latter has exceptional relevance to the Bitterroot Valley due to the implications on water availability and the security of domestic wells.
The photo of the 2 little girls can help explain the exempt well issue. Imagine you just bought the girls a milkshake which they are enjoying. Then a bully comes up, sticks his straw in the glass and starts drinking. "Wait a minute," you say. "I just bought that milkshake fair and square. You can't start drinking from it. We will run out of milkshake." "Sorry," the bully says. "The state says I can stick my straw in your milkshake and drink as much of it as I want. You can't do anything to stop me."
So, consider you and your neighbors are the little girls and the milkshake is the groundwater you rely on for your well. The bully? Take a guess.
Importantly, we will still be awarding the 2024 Earl and Joan Little Youth Education Award to Hamilton High School science teacher Vanessa Haflich.
The program will start at 7:00 PM, but come join us starting at about 5:45 for a 'brat and a brew, featuring the Elks Club's famous beer cooked bratwurst for just $10!
There is no charge for admission and the public is invited to attend. Remember the BRTU Logo PFDs will be on sale at the meeting.
For additional information, please contact Dave Ward or Marshall Bloom.